English Info
Rivers are becoming “silent” dump and flow channels of land-based sources of litter
- Awareness raising to reduce and prevent plastics from land-based sources of in aquatic environment
- Expansion of Circular Economy
Several Stakeholders
- Fast-food
- Local markets
- Restaurants
- Beach and river bars
- Hotels and local accomodation
- Fisherman and shelfish collectors
- Users of public areas, beaches and coastal areas
Geographic Areas
- Expected Outcomes
A1. Awareness | Monitoring
- 24 awereness-monitoring actions in rivers and riverbanks
- 240 participants from general public and HORECA channel
- 365 plastic litter itens collected and sorted for pedagogical collection
A2. Awareness | Formation - Best Practice Guide and Seal
- 14 awareness - formative actions
- 70 best practice seal adherence
- 5000 best practice guides distributed
- 20% ↑ plastic collection for recovery
- 40% ↓ single use packaging and plastic bottles
A3. Awareness | Artistic Elements
- 15000 interactions with informative contents > Aquamuseu
- 25000 interactions with artistic elements > Bienal of Cerveira
- 125000 interactions with information and art > public areas, riverine beaches and coastal areas
- 500000 interactions with information and art > digital channels
- Active citizen participation in monitoring actions
- Engagement of different stakeholders towards Best Practices
- Massive awareness of tourists during beach season trough Artistic installations
- Dissemination via digital channels and national and international events
Tell us how the plastic issue is important to you!
Does it inspire you to create something that can call people´s attention ?
Put ON your creative mindset and let art flow…
- On social media and LowPlast webpage we can share your reflections about plastic pollution, and disposable plastic, if you send us:
- Photographs
- Short and informal videos (up to 1 minute)We can also share news about the creative process if you feel motivated to participate more activelyHope you can come to Portugal and present your work ;)
- LowPlast webpage:
- Regular news on social media:
- Contact person
Patrícia Louro ptlouro@mail.ciimar.up.pt
Skype: patricialouro
Wtsp 00351927474374