Conheça as artistas plásticas que vêm da Noruega, para uma residência artística em Vila Nova de Cerveira, no âmbito do projeto LowPlast III

Lilja Sighvatsdottir (1971)
Lilja, nasceu na Islândia e vive em Asker, na Noruega.
Desenvolve criações artisticas no Instituto Interdisciplinar de Artes – DTK.
Também estudou em Nydalen Kunstskole, Oslo Fotokunstskole, e Technical Collage of Reykjavik.
Trabalha com diversas formas de expressão artística, com enfase em fotografia, desenho e instalação.
Em muitos dos seus trabalhos podemos ver a impressões oriundas da observação e examinação da natureza. Interessa-se pela dualidade entre o abstracto e o reconhecível, a presença e a exploração do objecto material.
Lilja Sighvatsdottir (1971)
Lilja is an Icelandic artist who lives in Asker, Norway.
She works with several media with the main emphasis on photography, drawing and installation. She develops art work at DTK Art Institute, and studied also at Nydalen Kunstskole, Oslo Fotokunstskole, and Technical Collage of Reykjavik.
In many of her works one sees expressions come from observation and exploration in nature. She is interested in the duality between the abstract and the recognizable, the presence and the exploration of the material object.
- In couple of days you will be joining LowPlast Artistic Residency, in Vila Nova de Cerveira, so what motivates you for this subject, Lilja?
“There are over sixty billions tons of plastic produced each year, the majority of it being single-use items that are thrown away after use.
In my work within LowPlast project, called “drifted away”, I have collected plastic materials from food and material packaging: cereal boxes, vegetable, flowers, canvases for painting, etc.
I also found plastic material that had been thrown away or carried with the wind in the streets, in nature and by the sea shore.
I wanted to put focus on the effect this pollution damage is having on our environment, the plastic never goes away, it never dissolves, it never biodegrades.
We all need to do some changes.”